Monday 30 November 2015

Roman Mosaics, Last Session!

Today was the last session to finish our Roman Mosaics.
Sadly no one managed to finish so unhappily we will have to come in at lunches to 
Here are some of our classmates mosaics

Thursday 26 November 2015


Today we had Islands. Islands is when we get together in groups and pretend that we're on three different Islands, Tropica, Ar-Wilson and Bannana Bootie. Here is a picture of us doing Islands.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Planning for Eagle of the Ninth story

Today we have been planning to write a continuing story from the Eagle of the Ninth we stopped at a specific place and we had to use our imagination to think of the rest of the story.

  This is one of our classmates planning.

Monday 23 November 2015

Eagle of the Ninth

Today we had two periods of reading "Eagle of the Ninth"  We got tired half way through the session. Here is a picture of us reading.

Art mosaic!

Today we where making our mosaics. We learnt that back in the ancient Roman times the tiles would be different sizes and shapes. It was very fun and exciting to watch the mosaics come to life. They where full of life and color by looking at the art pieces you would be able to tell the class has TONES of FUN!!!

Thursday 19 November 2015


Today we did art and we got ready for a mosaic that we are going to do. We drew patterns, animals and nature. Here is a picture of some of the classmates sketching and a picture of the whole class sketching

Wednesday 18 November 2015


Today we had music combined with another class because we skipped music last week. We joined 5A. We could choose if we wanted to do ukulele or piano. We learnt the song counting stars on the ukulele.

These are the notes for counting stars on the ukulele.

Monday 16 November 2015


Today we had a school trip to the National Museum. We really enjoyed it, we also had tonnes of fun looking at ancient artifacts. We learnt...........well there's so much we learnt! That we can't put it into  one post! From learning about ancient Humans to learning how Museums are organized (in a rock section) by having lots of fun at the artifact treasure hut! At lunch time (at the museum) some of us made iMovies on our amazing trip! So on the scale of one to ten one being horrible and ten being really really amazing we would definitely say it was between 9 and 10!!!  Here are some amazing artifacts we learnt about!!! (Also one of us on the leaving bus!)

Sunday 15 November 2015

Roman Mosaic (classroom results)

Today Mr.E shared us a padlet and we had to find pictures of Roman Mosaics. Later in art he told us to design our own copy of a Roman mosaic. It was extremely fun but we had to be careful to keep all the tiles square and even. We also had to make sure there was a pattern in the mosaics.

    Of to a great start!

   The final results!


Roman Mosaic ideas!

We have been looking for mosaics from Roman times to use as inspiration for our own art work.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Circle Time

Today we had circle time and we talked about how to survive if you got shipwrecked on an unknown island. Here's a picture of us talking about what we think.

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Diary Entry

Today we took the diary we wrote a few months ago the diary was the diary of Marcas in Eagle of the ninth (the book we are reading) then we wrote them on a peace of paper that looked old ( we soaked them in tea and coffee in the morning) photo below. We learnt how to make a peace of paper look old.

Tuesday 10 November 2015

11th of the 11th of the 11th hour!

Today was the 11th day of the 11th month. So there was a remembrance trumpet sound.  One of the Chinese classes were in the middle of a Chinese movie when it started, they thought it was a lock down and hid under their tables! It gave us a bit of a fright. This is a picture of a classmate hiding under a table.


We have been learning how to use personification to bring descriptions alive for the reader.
We discussed using verbs, body parts, emotions and feelings (what it would be like to be there). We also looked at using simile to turn the objects into living things.
Have a look!

Monday 9 November 2015


We learnt how to draw owls from different angles. We drew them from different points of view. This is one of the classmates drawings of the owls.

Sunday 8 November 2015

Ancient facing!

We learnt to edit photos it was hard at first but the class soon got the hang of it. The results where hilarious! Here is a picture of a classmate putting his photo on a Roman person.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Golden time!!!

We learnt how to make paper aero planes.
 Some people sketched in the class and some watched YouTube 
This is a picture of us watching a movie on the carpet.

Wednesday 4 November 2015


Today we learnt in drama a word called mcguffin. We did an act. Are act was about a guard how was guarding a jewel. A girl tricked the guard.

Tuesday 3 November 2015

Swimming gala

Today we did a swimming gala and Agung won as usual and Merapi (the best house), won second place we learnt it's not about winning or losing its about having fun.

Monday 2 November 2015

Library time !!

This is us reading in the primary library and we learnt about some worthless jokes.

 We also collected a lot of books on Roman Times for our research.

Sunday 1 November 2015


For the past few decades weeks we have been reading a book called Eagle of the ninth!
We split in to three groups and this is Mr Eaglestones group reading.
We learnt that to be a good author you need to give a lot of clues to what is going to happen next.